Qualicom Innovations Inc.

Our People

Leadership team

Richard Chan

VP, Technology

Kwok-Ki Lam

VP, Finance

Dennis Ting

VP, Operations

Our Culture

We see Qualicom Innovations as a large extended family. To help build our community, we hold a variety of events to help our employees grow, both personally and professionally. These include the following social events:

Summer picnic

 Every year, we hold a picnic for employees and their families in a recreational setting.

Winter holiday dinner

 We host a winter banquet and employee recognition event for employees and their families.

Pot luck lunch

 We generally have at least one, and often more, pot luck lunch each year where participating employees bring in some of their favourite home-made food to share.

Blue Mountain event

 Every February, employees celebrating a five-year milestone are invited, along with their families, to Blue Mountain for a weekend of skiing and socializing.

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